I am creating this thread for people to share the good, the bad and the ugly about Santa Experience Photography with Core/Pro mix. Let's use this discussion to share ideas and have the best season ever.
We know it can be a little intimidated learning a new software and not knowing what/how to ask questions and level up. The Newbie Hangout forum is a safe space to learn and help other users. Just remember to check back in and help future newbies when
This forum is a great location to ask questions and share info related to sharing via email and SMS. We also recomend checking out the Event Gallery forum as well. https://support.darkroomsoftware.com/portal/en/community/darkroom-booth/event-gallery
Our customers may our software better by sharing what they would like to see. This forum is a great location to request features, and discuss way that we may improve Darkroom Core and Pro.
Looking for the best way to get your images from you camera to to your customers? This forum is a great location to ask questions and share info related to building the best workflow to meet your needs using Darkroom Core and Pro.
Hi, We are having difficulty setting up a D90 Mitsubishi printer, the windows test prints work fine. there is no problem there. The issue seems to be darkroom 9.2 when we select an image to print it adds it to the print queue in Darkroom but nothing happens (with have auto print enabled) it just says printing page 0 of 1. it stays there forever. We have re-checked all our Darkroom printer settings match those of the windows driver setting and they match fine. any ideas of what the issue could be?