1. Add the printer to Windows using the Windows print driver to the PC the printer is connected to. 2. Share the printer on your network from the PC the printer is connected to. 3. install the windows print driver on the on the Darkroom/Server PC. 4. ...
Here is a quick video on how to add a printer to Darkroom Core. Darkroom Pro and Core include built in drivers for most popular photo printers. If you do not see your printer listed, but have Windows drivers for it, you can still use the printer with ...
One of the most powerful features of Darkroom Pro has always been it's built-in direct printer drivers. These driver offer greater control, speed and flexibility than the manufactures Windows drivers. Now, Core 9.2 includes many of these drivers for ...
Features Added In 9.3 Support for remove.bg Drag and drop auto insert image placement in Panoramic and multi-image templates Auto camera detection Command hot folder adds template and text addition to Pro and AE Support for Photoshop droplets Camera ...