Booth 2.0 Downloads and Release Notes

Booth 2.0 Downloads and Release Notes

Booth 2.0 is no longer supported by Darkroom Software. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Darkroom Booth.

Build 2.0.479 (1/20/2016)
  1. Added support for Canon EOS 5DS, 5DS R, T6s, 760D, 8000D, T6i, 750D, X8i.

  2. Fixed issue with Twilio Authorization.

  3. Fixed audio not stopping when attract mode was exited.

  4. Fixed Phidget control when using BoothMode.exe.

  5. Reprint when using template selection now prints the correct size.

  6. Fixed Slideshow social media harvest update issue.

  7. Better support for international phone numbers.

  8. Fix for on screen numpad.

  9. Fix for Booth mode not returning to attract mode.

  10. fix for social media harvesting not updating in channel 2.

  11. Added a video option prompt at the end of a session.

  12. Fixed registration issue with non-US characters.

  13. Can now edit Survey text prompts.

Build 2.0.471 (12/10/2015)
  1. Added Template size / selection (ie 2x6, 4x6. Limit of 2 sizes, 50 different templates).

  1. Moved Text prompts for "Copies" and "E-Delivery" to Text tab (from Main)

  2. Added Create a Sample (print/file) from Template Chooser.

  3. Added Sample images at X:SamplePhotos (see ReadMe.txt in same folder).

  4. Added Tool Tips for text prompts.

  5. Added Select Primary/Secondary Print template to Booth Commands.

  6. Added support for Canon EOS 5DS / EOS 5DS R /EOS REBEL T6s / EOS 760D / EOS 8000D / EOS REBEL T6i / EOS 750D / EOS Kiss X8i.

  7. Added Can play a video before sessions as attract mode with overlaid text.

  8. Added looping video option.

  9. Added keyboard hotkeys to Toggle Color/B&W, Color/Sepia, Color/Antique.

  10. Fixed Windows printer page size issue.

  11. Fixed Page color RGB numbers issue.

  12. Fixed Print start if video played at the end.

  13. Fixed time between photos now independent of countdown.

Build 2.0.461 (11/23/2015)
  1. Fixed issue with Full Size GIF creation.

  2. Fixed issue with GIF looping.

  3. Fixed issue with GIF "distributed frames" setting.

Build 2.0.457 (11/18/2015)
  1. Added Advanced Animated GIF support (repeat/distribute frames settings)

  2. Can select multiple templates at once in Animation settings (use shift or ctrl key)

  3. Can select up to 60 templates for Animation (previously limited to 10)

  4. Use bigger GIF palette for email/disk, still small palette for MMS (smaller file size)

  5. System Info reports Windows versions more accurately

Build 2.0.455 (11/12/2015)
  1. Added support for Animated GIF Output for Email, MMS (Phone), and Copy Originals.

  2. Option to Require Survey before starting session (mandatory survey).

  3. Enhanced performance when using slideshow and quiz or survey.

  4. Corrected issue with removing / adding Instagram Account.

Build 2.0.451 (11/2/2015)
  1. Added “Manage” slideshow feature with load/save settings (video).

  2. Added Image harvesting for slideshow from Instagram, Facebook, email, MMS and Dropbox.

  3. Added Multi Channel Support for slides show.

  4. Added Reset slide show.

  5. Fixed Slideshow survey/quiz results.

  6. Fixed Booth commands in "device control".

  7. Improved error handling and messages.

Build 2.0.445 (10/21/2015)
  1. Fixed issue with uploading to Facebook pages

  2. Slideshow can continue on 2nd monitor when exiting Booth mode

  3. Added CTRL-R "monitoring" to ignore accidental reprints

  4. Better messaging for startup errors

  5. Added new arrangement selector in Slideshow page

  6. Added transparent output option for Slideshow templates

  7. Added gap/no gap option for slide show

  8. Fixed issue with text display on attract mode

  9. Fixed screen redraw issue on Slideshow tab

  10. Fixed issue when Browse was selected before a slideshow was generated

  11. Fixed issue with slideshow error after 230 images

  12. Fixed wrap up issue due to slideshow failure

  13. Fixed navigation enabled requirement issue in 433

Build 2.0.433 (9/17/2015)
  1. NEW Slideshow Feature!

  2. Known Slideshow Issue: must have navigation "Enabled" when in Custom Mode or you'll get error.

  3. Added new Menu system to make vertical displays easier to use

  4. Added Play video recording at the end of the session.

  5. Fixed issue where prints were not saved if Time after last photo was 0

  6. Fixed issue where custom message on Photo to Phone was not saving

  7. Fixed Stop Sound option in Device Control

Build 2.0.408 (7/23/2015)
  1. Added Nikon D5500, D7200, D810A, Nikon 1 V3 (1V3 must have latest firmware)

  2. Added improper shutdown message

  3. Added warning message if date/time is wrong

  4. Fixed issue with Twillio Authorization

  5. Fixed the Run option in Device Control

  6. Fixed digital output PNG and PSD file types

  7. Fixed survey prompt for Video only sessions

  8. Fixed an issue if a countdown was set longer than the time between photos

  9. Fixed an issue with sending emails to a fixed address

  10. Fixed an issue with Ctrl V

  11. Fixed several activation issues

Build 2.0.400 (6/26/2015)
  1. Fixes registration/activation problem with &

  2. adds 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 8x8 square print sizes for Windows printers

  3. No longer runs in Windows XP due to video playback

Build 2.0.399 (6/22/2015)
  1. NOTE: No longer runs in Windows XP due to video playback

  2. Fixed Facebook Page-Album Posting

  3. Fixed Phidget blink

  4. Added Phidget Tool Tips

  5. Fixed Take Photo Command

  6. Survey/Quiz prompt now editable

  7. Added option to Playback recorded video after session

  8. Added option to play mp4 and mov files

Build 2.0.396 (6/10/2015)
  1. Fixed metroPCS Email

  2. Updated Facebook login for low res screens

  3. Updated Activation Error messages

Build 2.0.394 (6/9/2015)
  1. Added post to Facebook event, page, album, timeline

  2. Added user post to Facebook

  3. Added upload to Dropbox

  4. Added photo to phone via SMS / MMS

  5. Added retake photo option

  6. Added retake video option

  7. Added take photo Now option

  8. Added Survey/Quiz option

  9. Added Twillio support

  10. Added Phidget support

  11. Added the ability to play video

  12. Added option for different template for each output

  13. Added Wrap up tab

  14. Added output Survey/Quiz results

  15. Added option to save videos to camera or computer (if supported by camera)

  16. Fixed Liveview cropping

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