Device Control (Phidget)

Device Control (Phidget)

What is a Phidget?

A phidget is a relay board that can turn on or off an electric device and is controlled by a computer. They are made by a company named Phidget. You can get more information about all of the different products they offer on their website at They offer a range of I/O relays to control different types of devices so if you need help choosing the right one for your application contact them at or 403-282-7305.

Basically, if you can turn it on with a switch you can control it with a phidget. Things like lights, fans and noise makers are a few of the possibilities. In Booth you can easily control all of these device using the Device Control menu in the Global settings section. You can see a video about Device control here.

To set up phidget control go to the Global Settings section of Darkroom Booth and choose Device Control.
  1. Select when you want the action to happen. You can choose any booth session stage such as before photo 1, after a survey or at the beginning of a session.
  2. Select the device and the action. You can choose off, on, Toggle, Blink, Blink fast. Blink Slow, etc. You can also add multiple actions to each booth stage such as turn on one device at the same time turn off another. You can also play a sound or video or run a script or outside program using the Device control screen. It is really limited only by your imagination.

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