Email File Size and Compression Settings

Email File Size and Compression Settings

Darkroom Core and Pro 9.3.2788 or higher now has the option to specify your  jpg compression setting.

Older Method

Darkroom will automatically compress your file when emailing for a faster more reliable transfer. Please note jpg compression will not affect the image resolution. If you would prefer to send a larger, less compressed jpg file you can use this link to update your registry. Download Registry Key

Advanced Users
The Pro and Core 9.2 and higher email compression can be controlled via a regkey under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Express Digital\EventLib\Options
Create a new DWORD value: PhotoEmailQuality
set the value type to Decimal (not hexadecimal) and set the value from 2 to 255
2 is the highest quality, largest size
8-12 are similar to what most cameras use for compression