Gallery Statistics

Gallery Statistics

Event Gallery Subscription Required  | Step By Step Instructions                            


For each individual gallery made on Darkroom Event Gallery, the app will provide statistics.

To access your gallery statistics from the homepage click on ‘Account’ in the top right corner, and from the drop-down menu select ‘Settings’.

From the Settings pages, click on the ‘Gallery Statistics’ tab. 

Here you will be able to view a list of galleries you have created, with an overview of statistics for each.

You will be able to see:

  • Gallery views
  • Image views
  • Downloads
  • Shares

To access more details about an individual gallery, press the graph button listed under ‘Report’

To access more details about the individual photos from your gallery, click on the gallery's name. 

Your photos will be listed by name. To view the individual photo, click on the image's name. 

The statistics will show each image's total views, downloads and shares. 

This page shows a more in-depth report for your gallery, including social shares by each app, share rates, and the most viewed, downloaded, and shared files.

In the top right corner, you can press the  ‘XLS’  logo to download an excel file with the gallery’s statistics. 

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