How do I set Photo to Phone using Twilio

How do I set Photo to Phone using Twilio

Darkroom Phone is now included with a current maintenance and is recommended for most users.
Learn More About Darkroom Phone!

1. Copy and paste you SID from your Twilio account.
2. Copy and paste you AuthToken from your Twilio account.
3. Select your phone number. If you have added a "friendly name" in Twilio you will want replace the friendly name with the phone number.
4. Click the test button to make sure it is properly configured.
* Dropbox is no longer required when using Twilio to send an SMS message.

A2P 10DLC Registration Rquired

As of September 1st 2023, you must now register your Twilio phone number via A2P 10DLC.
A2P 10DLC refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers. Carriers in the US consider all Twilio traffic to be A2P. Carriers’ A2P 10DLC offerings provide better delivery quality and lower filtering risk than long code SMS of the past, using the same phone numbers.

Here is a link with a little more info on why this is required

Here is a guide to walk you through the registration process.

Older Versions of Booth

To add your Twilio account to Darkroom follow these steps.

1. Go to Global settings>Email and Social Media
2. If you have already added your Twilio account, remove it.
3. Click add and select Twilio.
5. Copy and paste the SID and token from a browser to Darkroom
6. Click refresh and select your Twilio ph#

note* If you are using a "Friendly Name" with the phone number you will need to remove that as well.

Hope this helps and I did not mean to yell. :)

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