How do I Save Strips and Images to a Folder in Real time?
Darkroom Booth | Documentation
You can have Booth save the photo strip and the single images to a folder of your choice after each session. This is a great feature to use to save all images to a thumb drive to give the customer at the end of the event.
To save the single images choose "Copy Original Images" (figure 1) and then set the folder to save to (figure 2). You can choose the image size as well. By adding a template file (figure 3) you can save the single image with an overlay or a green screen background. This template can be designed with the same designer used for print templates and use any of the features available there. If you add one with a graphic list the same as the print template it will change to the background selected by the user.
We have added two instances of each in the case you need to save a duplicate copy to two locations or you want to save the originals and a GIF copy