In Event Gallery you’re able to set your profile settings to your liking.
When logged in, on the homepage of Event Gallery, click the 'Account’ button in the top right corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, select 'Settings'.
You will be directed straight to your Profile Settings.
There are a number of details you will be asked to enter about your business.
Text Details
Details include:
If your business does not use one or more of these platforms, leave the textbox blank.
Upload A Logo
Upload your company logo, which will be used on your gallery homepage, in individual galleries, on emails and more.
Upload A Favicon
You can also upload a smaller version of your logo for the favicon which will be seen on the web browser tab of your gallery.
Upload A Microsite Logo
This is the logo that will be used on your microsite URL pages (the dedicated photo page).
Once satisfied with all of the details you have entered, press 'Save'.