How do I do slow motion video with Darkroom Booth?

How do I do slow motion video with Darkroom Booth?

Darkroom Booth2 release 2.0.523 and above now has the ability to adjust the frame rate of video playback to produce a slow-motion effect. This feature is available to any supported Canon or Nikon SLR that supports video as well as GoPro cameras. The effect is best with cameras that can record at higher than the normal 30 frames per second. Most current Canon cameras support 60 fps and some of the higher end Nikon cameras do as well. The GoPro Hero series can record 1080p resolution at 120 fps and at 720p resolution 240 fps. These higher frame rates will produce the best results as far as the slow-motion effect but will also require good lighting. By using the slow-motion effect with video playback in a slideshow your guest will be able to see their video soon after the session is over on a separate slideshow monitor. This conversion does require the 3rd party utility ffmpeg to be installed. You can download that from here. You can email the videos, play them on the main screen and add them to the slideshow.

Below is a screenshot of the Camera settings page for a GoPro Hero.
1. This setting will allow videos to be sent by email (keep in mind videos are very large and will require good internet access to send)
2. The frame rate for GoPro can be set in the software (Canon and Nikon cameras must have the default frame rate set in the camera menu)
3. Play back frame rate. The default for slow motion is 10x slower. Keep in mind with slow motion a 5-second video becomes a 50 second after the slow-motion effect is applied. we recommend 3 to 5 seconds for the best result
4. You can play the video on the main screen at the end of the session by going to the Video Start session button in the screen template and checking the box "Enable Video Playback."
5. You can play the video in the slideshow by going to the Slideshow tab and check "Show Videos"

Video files are large and conversion for slow motion is a very processor intensive application. For best results, we recommend an i5 processor or better with a 5 second 1080p video on an i5 processor. Videos are usually completed in 30 to 45 seconds and ready to display. Slower computers will still work but will take longer for processing time. Enable Video Playback." You can play the video in the slideshow by going to the Slideshow tab and check "Show Videos"

Here is a free sample event to help you get started.

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