Windows printer not printing from Darkroom.

Darkroom Booth | Troubleshooting Guide
Step 1
I added my printer to Booth but nothing is printing Published
if you are using a Windows driver for your printer make sure you have
the correct driver selected in the printers list. If you plug a Windows
printer into a different USB port than it was originally installed on
Windows will add a new copy of the driver and call it Copy 1, etc.. You
can see this in the Devices and Printers section in the Windows Control
panel. If you have Booth set to the original driver then from Booth's
perspective the printer is not present. It is best to always plug a
printer into the same USB port every time to prevent this. To find out
which driver is the correct one try printing a Windows test page and see
if it prints.
Next, in the Global settings
section in the Printers list double click on the printer and make sure
the Page Size (lower left corner of the properties window if you are
using a Windows printer) is set to 4x6 if you are printing 2x6 or 4x6
prints. For any other size set it to that size (for example, 5x7 print
set that to 5x7 page size). For 2x6 size make sure the "Allow
Multiple-Page Documents" is check as well.
Step 2
Print Job Status:
Building image for (Windows)...
Set the printer as the default printer in Windows
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