Using a QR code to start a Booth Session (Touchless Booth)

Using a QR code to start a Booth Session (Touchless Booth)

Version Required: 3.00.923 or higher.

Tutorial Video

  1.  Check Photo Email 1 and Photo to Phone options in the output menu and set the prompt to after the session.
  2. Go to to create the QR code (There is an option in the QR setup to generate a QR code to go to
  3. In the Controls tab check "Allow touchless start if QR Code is detected".

Sample Event

Here is a link to a Sample Event to help you get started.

QR Code Scan/Capture options

Using Webcam
      Show the QR code to the camera from 1 to 2 feet away to start the photo session and send to text or email.

Using DSLR with continuous focus (Canon’s M50, SL2/EOS 200D, SL3/EOS 250D,  77D and  T7i/EOS 800D )
      Show the QR code to the camera from 1 to 2 feet away to start the photo session and send to text or email.

Using DSLR without continuous focus
In the QR code setup dialog check the Use alternate webcam and choose a webcam to use to scan the code. For now, the webcam live view is not shown.

If you are having an issue using this option you may need to install DirectX from Microsoft and make sure windows is up-to-date.

Free Graphic

Here is a reticle graphic that you can download and  add to your screen template to place over the live view. Be sure to set the When Shown option to "During Startup".

Pro Tip:

If you are using a webcam as a secondary QR code scanner it is a good idea to have the camera facing down at a table to avoid reflections caused by the screen.
Here are a couple examples of this suggested setup.

Here is the graphic used above as a printable file.

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