Booth 3 Downloads & Release Notes

Booth 3 Downloads & Release Notes

Purchase   |  Upgrade   |   Maintenance Plan   |  Trial   |  Required for Video/Gif  


•  Citizen printer drivers
•  Canon R100
•  Panoramic prints to DNP printers using 6x9 ink sheet
•  Application install history displayed in System Information

•  Improved preservation of full-size image (up to 3072x3072) when possible for email and mms. 
•  Disables Send to Phone Carrier if no valid email is configured
•  Allows Send to Phone Carrier if an email account is configured but Send to Email is disabled
•  Darkroom Email uses Reply To address and friendly sender name

•  Support for Canon R50 and R8

•  An Invalid Argument error in Device Control
•  An issue when editing images in a photo strip after a session

•  Ability to remove settings from a Screen Template:  press and hold Ctrl-key while clicking the Save Settings button on Screen template tab.  You will be prompted to remove settings from an existing screen template on disk
•  Language translation ability. Fixed text prompts now translate to Spanish, French, German and Dutch. Other languages can be added by the user through translation text flies
• Language can be set by Windows region or in the Event settings on a per event basis. You can also add an on screen button to switch languages between sessions.
• An issue when using Office 365 email for outgoing email
• html email body support both {variable} and %variable% to work properly in other HTML editors
• survey results properly set graphic lists and text fields in Screen and Output template
• Improved messages to explain saving and loading settings to/from Screen Templates.
• An issue with Bluetooth connection with OrcaVue spin Platforms

•  Issue with items disappearing in Device Control
•  An issue where the custom delivery screen would only show if both email and text are checked.
•  An issue where videos added in Device control no longer playback

• adds a %Gallery% variable that can be used with a QR code to add a link to event gallery
• adds a %Photo1.url% variable to go to the specific uploaded photo when possible or gallery otherwise
• adds a check box to the Slideshow to display a QR code to go to the image
• adds an "Add one year ..." to maintenance plan link in System Info to renew before the end if desired
• adds a Print option to the existing E-Delivery screen
• includes new Canon EDSDK to include R7, R10, R6 Mark II
• Support added for Hiti P525L printer


  1. Custom email/phone prompts now possible via screen template settings
  2. Custom video placement now allowed via Video placeholder in screen template
  1. Improvements to Auto Focus before session for Canon cameras
  2. M50 not able to take still photos if liveview was not enabled
  3. issue selecting alternate templates or multiple template lists introduced in 1103
  4. hides "Primary Prints" on Booth Stats reports unless there is currently or was previously an alternate prints selection
  5. Booth visibility dialog in template editor gets right-click menu to clear/set all checkboxes
  6. alternate template menu and review/edit can now be optionally enabled via booth command for the current booth session
  7. sticker objects added via output templates get inserted into the drawing order rather than always added topmost as was done in 1110 and earlier
  8. composite image cells are hidden (not drawn) if the # of photo cells exceeds number of photos to be captured in the session
  9. output placeholder and composite photo objects will now work properly if shown on End Instructions.  Previously, the session photos were cleared such that those cells would not draw.  Templates may work slightly different than before, but output placeholder and composite photos can be set not visible on End Instructions to restore previous functionality.



  • fixed problem with new screen templates defaulting to custom size of 0 by 0
  • improved support for HTML email body sent via Postmark or Darkroom email
  • Shop for templates now opens in default browser rather than embedded browser
  • additional warning on Updates page about expired maintenance plan
  • Fix for catalog or system defaults set to Blue Screen or Auto detect chromakey dropout.  Previously some green colors were still being dropped out.
  • Keyboard changes to Done/More instead of Enter/Cancel to help users who wish to enter multiple email or phone numbers.
  • Backspace key with empty text field will now act as Back/Cancel
  • When sending to phone via email, now limited to only a single phone number (previously multiple phone numbers were allowed but all had to use the same carrier). 
  • Allows variables in folder name with  Save Output and Copy Originals
  • foreground types defaults to person
  • Color Picker in template designer


  • Media remaining correction for DNP DS40, DS80 and RX1
  • 2 3.5x5 cut on 5x7 media for DS620
  • An issue where after a time out the icons in the kiosk didn’t return
  • Postmark Email added
  • improves connect / reconnect wizard with GoPro 9 and 10
    • now shows a progress bar when scanning for the Bluetooth camera (takes about 30 seconds but progress bar allows up to 60)
    • now shows GoPro Wifi settings in larger font with a copy-to-clipboard button.
    • additional hint for case where GoPro camera needs to be removed as a Bluetooth device and then re-added in Windows Bluetooth settings
    • fixes issues with settings and video transfer for GoPro 9 and 10
  • shows ffmpeg version and status in Camera Settings for GoPro cameras
    • recommended to use ffmpeg version 5.0 or greater
    • ffmpeg status shows "Not Installed" or "Error" if version number cannot be obtained
    • ffmpeg is required for:  GoPro live view AND for any camera if using a Video Script with the Reverse feature  
    • ffmpeg is required for cameras that record .AVI and .MOV video files
  • will upload to Event Gallery even if you cancel sending an email or text message
  • should always use link to Event Gallery image if you send an email or text message


  • A rash when Sinfonia CS2 and Ciaat Brava 21 drivers are both enabled AND either printer model is attached.  You still cannot use both at the same time, but you can freely swap between the two between runs of the application

Known issues with GoPro 10

  1. In some cases the Camera is ON and Wifi started but Windows cannot re-connect to the Wifi.  In those cases, power the camera off and remove the battery temporarily. Then restarting the camera and running our GoPro connect wizard would always work to restart camera Wifi and allow connection. The problem is the camera is not allowing Windows to reconnect the same computer to the Wifi network.  Also, the current GoPro 9 and 10 firmware seems to have an issue with Bluetooth connection in Windows 11. Windows 11 is not recommended at this time.
  1. Fuji ASK300 printer support
  2. Support added for new Canon cameras
    1. EOS R3
    2. PowerShot G5X Mark II
    3. PowerShot G7X Mark III
    4. PowerShot SX70 HS
  1. Improved Windows 11 licensing
  2. Issue with newer Nikon cameras
Important* To use video scripts, you will need to update FFmpeg 2022.



  1. Updates for better compatibility with Windows 11
  2. Changes for Windows 10 Updates to make computer identification more stable
  3. Photobook customization 
  4. Color profiles improvements for DNP DS620 / DS820
  5. Fix for Canon and Nikon cameras sometimes using a leftover image from previous session after booth mode was exited or in some cases where a session was cancelled with partial photos taken
  6. Update to default smtp servers for hotmail, outlook, and other Microsoft email properties
  7. Bases maximum video output size on whether video will be sent via Event Gallery or email/SMS.  4.25MB video limit enforced for email/SMS. >20MB allowed for Event Gallery
  8. Options to enable Video and GIF preview now appear only on the Video Settings page.  Previously, these were duplicated as checkboxes on the Text Settings page


  • An issue where mp4 video did not send through the built in email server
  • An issue where link to was not sent correctly by carrier selection text
  • An issue where video settings would override the still image settings after a video session

  • New built in driver for the Sinfonia CS2 printer
  • An issue where Canon Powershot cameras were no longer detected
  • An issue when using credits with a payment acceptor a free session could result
  • Issue with background sound not playing when slideshow is play over a network
  • Fixes the issue when using Darkroom's email server for SMS by email
  • New built in email server (you can use this as a way to send email without needing to set up your own email)
    • You can still use your own email if you prefer
    • You can set a from and reply too with your own info
  • New start booth test for functioning email account to let you know your own email may have an issue.

  • Canon EOS M50 Mark II
  • DNP QW410 direct driver

  1. An issue with Dropbox compatibility


  • Fixes and issue with using a DSLR and a webcam to scan QR codes for the Touchless Booth feature.


  • An issue where a gif animation checkbox did not stay checked visually although it did work correctly
  • An issue where 2 or more email accounts listed in Global settings caused a send issue with the selected account
  • An issue where changing the Description line in email settings after an event was setup could result in emails not sending


  • additional functions to QR code to start to include
    • Color, B&W, Sepia and Retro selections
    • Burst GIF and Video
  • Added QR code URL customization to include only features offered in the current event
  • Added a Printing phase to Device control to better allow control of Mirror booth videos
  • adds an option of a text string to display when playing back video


  • An issue with incorrect videos playing if Review photo was used and cancel was selected


  • Video preview moved to Video tab and defaulted to ON
  • Gif Animation preview moved to Video tab as well as Text tab and defaulted to ON
  • Animation Preview no longer requires Video preview also be checked
  • Allow Video to be emailed setting moved to Video tab and defaulted to ON
  1. QR Code to Start.  Learn more


  1. QR code link in Booth control menu to open the menu on phones and tablets
  1. An issue where incorrect email settings could cause a crash
  2. An issue where a entering less than 10 digits in a phone number could cause a crash
  3. An issue where an improper error message was displayed when a Mitsubishi printer was off line with the built in driver
  1. Smarter printer detection with built in drivers
  2. Support for the latest Canon SDK (cameras included in this SDK*)
    1. EOS RP
    2. EOS Rebel SL3
    3. Powershot G7X Mark III
    4. Powershot G5X Mark II
    5. PowerShot SX70 HS
    6. EOS M6 Mark II
    7. EOS 90D
    8. EOS M200
  1. Issue with bleed on some print sizes on Mitsubishi printers built in drivers
  2. Issue with printing extra copies with Mitsubishi printers

  1. Simpler way to edit or add the event name and date for
  2. A new “Get link” option to generate a QR code or URL to the gallery on
  3. An “Upload” button that allows posting a test or sample image to the event on
  4. Changed the outline option in Chroma key to allow both around the subject as well as the full image
  1. Corrects an issue where a reprint caused a repost to the gallery
  2. Corrects a date issue with gallery posting

Booth 3.0.871 (9/07/2019)

  1. Event Gallery integration
  2. Twillio no longer requires a Dropbox account
  3. Built in drivers for Mitsubishi printers
  1. Corrected issue where all videos were converted to MP4
  2. Corrected an issue with MP4 file size set to phone
  3. Corrected the Cancel button if used with an attract video
  4. Fixed an incorrect error message in the video tab “parameter incorrect”

Booth 3.0.840 (3/12/2019)

  1. Number of photos taken now matches template selection when using Alternate Print
  2. Videos added in Device control includes a setting for which monitor to play back on
  3. Slideshow now allows setting which monitor to play on when you have more than 2
  4. Browse window now returns to the last used location
  5. Review screen cycle button that will rotate images through the photo nodes
  6. Set number of photos taken based on the template
  7. Supports for adding an intro and exit video to slow motion and regular video
  8. Supports adding a soundtrack to slow motion and regular video
  9. Supports video backgrounds and overlays with chroma-key for slow motion and regular video
  10. Supports GIF backgrounds and overlays with chroma-key for slow motion and regular video
  11. Audio soundtrack added to a video may be looped
  12. Video foreground or background added by template to a video may be looped
  1. Choosing.GIF for Facebook and Twitter reverted to .MP4
  2. Cancel button missing in Review Photo screen when Doodle was checked
  3. Issues with switching from Photo session to video session with the Canon M50
  4. DNP paper remaining updated to match new DNP firmware changes
  5. fix for issue with sending multiple images in different emails to a single iPhone email client


Booth 3.0.820 (12/12/2018)
  1. New Twillio setup
  2. New Canon cameras ( Canon EOS R)
  3. New Nikon Cameras (D850, D7500, Z7)
  1. Skip video button now works
  2. Copy originals 2  remains checked if both are checked and you exit and reopen
  3. 2x6 and 4x6 Alt print does the correct number of copies now
  4. Issue when Review photo was unchecked leaving edit and doodle checked
  5. Foreign language text did not appear correct in a Survey
  6. Adding a template to a Slideshow mix in did not work
  7. Corrected menu in Windows 7
  8. Close html attract mode or html start screen if # of start credits starts session
  9. Crash when in Photos or Prints tab and click new event
  10. Issue when using Photo Review and Special Winner together
  11. Issue when setting multiple videos in device control to cycle it reverts to random
  12. .jpeg file extension did not work with mix in folders in SS
  13. Updated Facebook API
  14. Issue with indirect Twillio post
  15. User Post to Facebook changed to indirect due to a change in Facebook policy

Build 3.0.802 (04/20/2018)

  1. Multiple videos added in device control does not save
  2. IOS for still Photo reverting to the video setting if a video session is canceled
  3. Using the Signature feature caused a crash in some cases

Build 3.0.799 (04/17/2018)

  1. Nikon D7500 D850
  2. Canon 6D Mk II, Kiss X9 Rebel SL2, EOS 200D, EOS M50, Kiss X90, Rebel T7, EOS 2000D, Rebel T100, EOS 4000D
  3. New Creative mode options for Virtual props and doodle and proof display
  1. Issue with Carrier select screen being smaller than before
  2. Issue with Survey from template added to burst causing a Core prompt to pop up
  3. Video added to after photo skipped
  4. Issue with embedded Alt Print resulting in blank display or out of memory error
  5. Burst not emailing from main screen
  6. File browser not displaying after deleting a video from Device control
  7. Issue with asking for PIN code on first run after install
  8. Issue with templates added to email 1 and 2 not embedded correctly
  9. An issue when using Alt print and skip where the copies prompt still comes up
  10. Quiz mode fails to prompt for users initials.
  11. Issue when reviewing a and session and cancel didn’t cancel email if a different template was added
  12. Issue with Favorite Photo feature failing if the prompt was set to before session
  13. Burst and video templates not embedding correctly with a Booth Theme
  14. Standard animation template not embedded correctly in Booth Theme

Build 3.0.786 (03/27/2018)
  1. Simpler, more finger friendly interface
  2. Share Mode (share images to a phone with no internet)
  3. Booth Themes
  4. Custom email @_____ on keyboard
  5. Creative mode (Doodle, virtual props and edit photo)
  6. 2nd Copy Originals option (like we have for email and save output)
  7. Software adjustment for the “take photo” time on the countdown
  8. Allow hiding and resize of Event Tree
  9. Improve MP4 animation output
  10. User creatable filters with 6 new filters included
  11. Support for entering international phone numbers
  12. New Manage Album layout for small phone screens
  13. Support for 5x5 square prints using 5x7 media with our built in driver for the DS620
  14. Support for 6x6 square prints using 6x8 media with our built in driver for the DS620, DS40 and RX-1
  15. New sample event with mirror animations included (both vertical and horizontal)
  16. Improved ability to embed images in HTML for emails
  1. Issue with input location on some monitor resolutions
  2. Relocated PIN code setting to Global Settings
  3. Issue with Twillio fail to send if not configured to respond
  4. Issue where email set to mandatory still showed the cancel button
  5. Issue with foreign characters in Text options
  6. Issue where text from kiosk using carrier select also required email be checked as well
  7. Issue where an apostrophe in attract mode text caused a script error
  8. Issue where email in survey set to mandatory still showed the cancel button


Build 3.0.738 (11/29/2017)

  1. New range of activation codes

Build 3.0.737 (11/21/2017)
  1. Random video and sound with weighting option
  1. An issue with playing random videos
  2. Inability to delete videos added
  3. An issue with printing a date entered in the survey

Build 3.0.732 (11/06/2017)
  1. Ability to add random sounds in Device Control
  2. Ability to add random videos in Device Control
  1. Pressing the Enter key when at the Doodle Screen caused a crash
  2. CTRL keys like CTRL R to reprint now work when a video is playing
  3. Flip PNG files with transparency would fail
  4. Retake after last photo now works correctly
  5. Using email prompt at the end along with Copy originals no longer delays the print
  6. Removing an Instagram account now works correctly
  7. 5x8 prints now print correctly to a Fuji DX100
  8. Photo to phone using carrier selection now allows MP4

Build 3.0.728 (10/20/2017)
  1. An issue that was in 3.0.726 where imbedded sounds would not play

Build 3.0.726 (10/18/2017)
  1. Both regular and slow motion video can have a template added including chroma key and overlays
  2. All settings for an event can be saved and imported within a screen template
  3. Doodle can now set pen width as well as color
  1. A script error in the slideshow when selecting a transition effect
  2. An issue with copy and burn that always did full size

Build 3.0.718 (10/02/2017)
  1. Countdown timer added for signature and doodle at end of session
  2. Added pen color selection for doodle
  1. An issue where bold and italic didn’t always save with some fonts
  2. Doodle preview orientation when the camera was set to vertical
  3. No email prompt when burst was set to mp4 and using a webcam
  4. Fonts used on a shape object may not draw correctly
  5. Fixed the issue with email subject and body being incorrect
  6. fixed Facebook warning (SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password
  7. Hang when using a Canon T5i or similar Canon camera
  8. email .csv not being written
  9. Send text messages to Cricket wireless when sent via email
  10. Custom controls for booth control can be deleted and re-arranged
  11. Choose templates buttons display correctly on smaller screens
  12. Improved error messages and logging

Build 3.0.706 (09/05/2017)
  1. Sending text messages to T-Mobile phone number by carrier selection

Build 3.0.704 (08/29/2017)
  1. Support for Photoshop droplets
  2. Support for Canon 6D Mark II and the SL2
  3. Added template store direct link
  4. Warning message if you select Facebook or Dropbox post with no account setup
  1. Reprint from kiosk
  2. Optimized preview loading in the Prints tab
  3. Animation preview coming up even when turned off
  4. Carrier select not displaying correctly in some browsers
  5. Animation preview retake not restarting live view correctly
  6. MP4 animation in kiosk when using an iPad
  7. When set to video only with Facebook prompt it does so twice
  8. Contest Winner set to both only the winner saved to Prints tab

Build 3.0.698 (08/01/2017)
  1. If only 1 output option is selected then go direct to enter info prompt
  2. Change default time for Burst from 10 to 4 seconds
  3. Added Burst sessions to Stats
  4. Added Winners to Stats
  5. Added new device control states for Booth Lock and unlock
  1. Issue with Burst if Preview was disabled
  2. Facebook User post set to after session would double post
  3. Setting Allow video to be emailed in the camera tab had no affect
  4. With Facebook User post was enabled with prompt after session and no pause in Live view the post did not work

Build 3.0.689 (06/21/2017)
  1. Device control settings for each event
  2. Added new Canon cameras
  3. Added new Nikon cameras
  4. New device control states for video countdown, recording start/end, and lock/unlock booth
  5. Now supports sending video by Twillio
  1. Corrects a misreported version in 3.0.683
  2. Preview dialog did not draw foreign characters correctly
  3. Hashtag harvest set to any age only harvested the last few images only
  4. Upgrade Dropbox support to V2.x API
  5. Improved preview video size with animated or video sessions
  6. Fixes an issue with the DX100 print driver
  7. Fixes a character limit on HTML messages added to email

Build 3.0.683 (05/30/2017)
  1. Option to output animation and burst as either MP4 or GIF
  2. Option to ask Yes/No to Facebook post and change text
  1. Incorrect error message when no activations are available
  2. Animation issue when Live view did not have a pause set
  3. Video added to Attract did not always loop correctly
  4. If you had Doodle enabled Burst did not email
  5. Burst posted to Facebook was in an incorrect file format
  6. Using videos for a mirror style booth and doodle caused the doodle screen to come up after end video
  7. Removed Rotate option in Signature that should not be there
  8. Incorrect label in Alternate print command was changed from Copies to Template Index
  9. Due to a Dropbox limitation videos are not allowed using Twillio. Carrier select works fine
  10. Add input Icon incorrectly appeared in the Print template editor and was removed
  11. Right clicking on an event or attempting to create a new event caused a crash
  12. Excessive reload or flashing in Slideshow in Basic mode
  13. Crash when using an effects layer rotated in a template

Build 3.0.667 (04/18/2017)
  1. Print doodling – Draw anywhere on a preview of the photo strip
  2. Ability to set manual exposure for Video separate from still photos
  3. Global event lock to prevent settings changes
  1. Garbled dialog box text on bill changer support
  2. Copy Originals Animations boomerang settings does not stay checked
  3. Standard GIF post to Facebook fixed
  4. Standard GIF boomerang fixed
  5. Standard GIF preview fixed
  6. Issue where video did not transfer if using manual exposure and External flash compensation combined

Build 3.0.662 (04/03/2017)
  1. Burst Mode/Boomerang with Chroma-key Support
  2. Post GIFs and Videos to Facebook
  3. Add Custom Template to Facebook Posts
  4. Print Signing
  5. Type-a-Note on Prints
  6. Multi Monitor Support
  7. Send Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram Ready Files
  8. Custom Booth Lock Screens
  9. Built in Support for Bill Acceptors
  10. Booth Photo Book PDF Output
  11. Simple Boomerang GIF Setup
  12. Post VR 180 and 360 Images to Facebook
  13. Auto Prompt Text Entry
  14. Include Survey/Quiz Entries in Print Templates
  15. Auto Image Cropping
  16. Auto Head Placement
  17. Full Support for Panoramic Sizes on DNP DS620 and 820 Printers
  18. Custom Keyboard/Prompt Placement
  19. Hashtag Printing from a Kiosk with Custom Template

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